Be Joyful in hope, Patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Living in Jophies Jungle Headline Animator

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Soldier on.......

Wednesday Katy and I took Jophie for his post hospitalization followup appointment with Sherrie(his ped). He is always so happy to see her and will begin smiling immediately when he hears her voice. He works doubly hard at flirting in an attempt to win some snuggles or better yet to land a big fat kiss! He's quite the ladies man when it comes to pretty women however, he does prefer dark hair over blonds. I just love that he has opionions. :0)

By looking at this picture one would think he was less than thrilled to be here when in reality he was actually quite drugged. We have to do this so he is able to travel. Regardless he's comfy and happy and in the end thats all that matters.

The plan for now is to continue the IV Zosyn and Vancomycin through September 16th and from there we will decide whats next based on how he is doing. I'm praying we will see a much improved Jophie so we can pull that PICC line and get back to "our normal"! He does afterall have some catching up to do in the form of swinging outside so....Bring on the cooler weather!
But for now.......

We Soldier on.....


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you were able to get out to the doctor. I KNOW what an event that can be sometimes. We have a PT that comes to our home and we go out to OT and horseback riding. BUT we're wondering if horseback riding is going to be too much this year, and are considering having an OT come to the house too.

I sure do hope you can finish up those meds and get back to a normal that more "normal" to you guys. Laura in Japan always says, "Get back to normal - whatever that is!" :-)

So glad that he loves his pediatrician. I'm sure he makes her day when he's able to drop in and visit!


Anonymous said...

Praying for your normal to return and cooler weather for swinging. :) Take care.

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

Take care. You're amazing. (And I will continue to tell you that!)

katy said...

You forgot to mention that he is a "chest" man. He doesn't care what color your hair is if you are female and let him rest his head up against your chest.

Qtpies7 said...

I hope he is able to be out swinging soon!

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