Be Joyful in hope, Patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Living in Jophies Jungle Headline Animator

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Cabell Spa......

Just a quick update:

Jophie is in the hospital again. We've been here since Wednesday night. So far we are unsure of whats going on. My gut tells me its related to what he's been dealing with but I'm not 100 % sure. He is getting fluids for dehydration from the severe diarhea he's been having. It's not as bad as it was but still continues to be a problem non the less.

So far what we know.

  • C-diff is negative
  • Chest X-ray shows some atlectasis but not really any significant pneumonia. This is being repeated today.
  • X-ray of sinuses was fine
  • Echo of heart to rule out endocarditis is still pending results
  • Basic labs like white count and such were within normal limits but leaning towards a "high normal". These were all repeated this morning.
  • Sputum cultures are growing "something". Pseudomonas most likely but he is colonized with it and I honestly don't feel like this is an active Pseudomonas.
  • Blood cultures have only been cooking 24 hours so they are pending as well.
  • He continues to run fevers and is in significant pain without the pain meds. He even landed himself a dose of morphine yesterday. :0)
  • This is insignificant and totally unrelated but fun for me to know. Jophie now weighs 81.6 pounds! Can we just say Honkin big Baby Bear??
  • Today he is having a CT scan of his belly to rule out any problems with liver, pancreas, kindeys, gall bladder and or appendicitis. He is also having a repeat chest X-ray to make sure that atelectasis hasn't puffed out into a pneumonia especially after they've hydrated him. When your dehydrated sometimes the pneumonia doesn't snow up till your hydrated again.

Thats all I know so far. I need to go because at the moment I'm slowly giving Jophie some oral radioactive dye through his feeding tube so everything will light up on his scan.

Specific prayer requests:

  • The biggest at the moment is pain management for Jophie. We've finally got him comfortable but it has taken the better of 2 days.
  • The doctors will be able to figure out whats going on and start the appropriate treatment/s
  • You could also pray that the fevers/symptoms/pain would just disappear into outer space then we could go home and pretend this never happened.

I'll try and do a more in depth update this evening as time permits because let me tell you....our adventure just getting here is nothing short of pee your pants laughter!

Can I just say call security/intruder alert, location changes, CRATER pothole, lift woes, flying reindeer, creepy strangers in dark parking lots and wildcat in a bag??

Ah yes you musn't miss this update. :0)


Anonymous said...

We'll be praying, Trina - that you all wake up in the morning and say "whay fever?" and they just send you home.:-)

Much love and peace to you both,

Anonymous said...

that should be..."WHAT fever!"


Tammy and Parker said...

Thinking of you guys!

Anonymous said...

Praying like crazy over here and sending {{{HUGS}}}. How you manage such a positive attitude and sense of humor is a blessing to me.

And there is something for you at Slurping Life today (it's in the long post).

Feed my Fishies