Quickly I want to give special thanks to Sherrie Miranda Nelson, Tammy Payne, Danny Payne, Katy Jenkins Myers, and Connie Kincaid Franz. Your constant presence at our side was very difficult but necessary. God definitely carried us all as we surely could have never stood otherwise. Jophie needed us ALL. We cared for him in this world together and he was having nothing less but for ALL of us to car...ry him straight into the arms of Jesus. He's stubborn like that....
And special thanks to Pastor Trent Carpenter and Pastor Michael Long for your unwaivering faith, constant support and most importantly for running TO US and not away from us....Your messages at Jophies service was amazing best described only as "From God to our ears.....
It's hard to express how a funeral can be so amazing but it was.....I'm out of town for a while with friends. Pulling into their drive I received a text from Connie Franze. I think she best described what it was like so I'm just going to quote her and maybe you can catch a small glimpse of what we experienced...
Connie: "Wonderful, beautiful service! I think that was one of the best funeral services in celebration of a life that I have ever been too! Music was perfect. Comments and Sermons went hand in hand and I don't think they planned it that way. Only GOD! I was glad and honored to be there! Love you! Rest!"
One thing that stands out is something Pastor Mike said in the hospital room. Jophie has never walked or spoken and we were just discussing what his first words would be. Personally, I'm a bit concerned about this. We all are! I just know the little toad is blabbing all our secrets! After our little moment of laughter it got quiet and Mike said something that will stick with me forever.
"When Jophie spoke his first words......He spoke them to Christ!"
Wrap your brain around that.....
Who gets to do that??
He was a very special little boy. He touched so many lives and as Pastor Trent and Pastor Mike both said. "He may not have any awards, trophies, or acheivements hanging on the walls but, without taking one step or saying one word he managed to minister to a number to numerous to count."
My amazing son!.......If you didn't know him personally, Oh how you missed out!
And last but certainly not least....A huge thank you to my parents Gleah Malone Jim Malone and Rina Jenkins...Thank you for all your support, all you have done and continue to do and your help before at home....Thank you!
And to thee Volunteer Fire Department who over the years has done so much for Jophie from building his handicapped swing to all our little "help" adventures...Bees, generator woes, trees falling on our house and you last act of kindness....Carrying my baby boy to his resting place. Thank you all!
I could never name everyone so please don't be offended if I forget to mention you personally. Just know you all are in my heart and will never be forgotten for what you have done for us.
I'm including a link to the video slideshow that scrolled on a big screen during the 2 hour visitation as well as all the songs we chose to have played during that time as well. There was no funeral music nor organs but rather what Jophie and we all loved! A celebration of his LIFE! Hand picked music just for Jophie that looped during the visitation so everyone could enjoy them with us.
No drab colors, a beautiful baby blue resting place with baby blue lining and the cutest embroidered sea turtle with bubbles straight from the ocean! Beach themed cards of course , HUGE Bouquet of blue and white balloons, Mylar Scooby Doo balloon, and a Turtle pillow made especially for him from Megan, Anna, Laynie, and Lexie.....An aweseome blinkie pillow from his aunt Rina that he would have LOVED...A sweet Teddy bear from Jamie and Trena Combs(A former foster baby) and 2 special little notes from my nephews Wade and Luke Jenkins that were attached and sent straight to Jophie during the balloon release)
1. Audio Adnrenaline--Kings and Queens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U64bongHqYU
2. Big Daddy Weave--Redeemed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzGAYNKDyIU
3. Building 429--Right beside you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc_aMNdL35A
4. Casting Crowns--Already There http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrOotpSKOX0
5. Kutless--Even If http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqOkZiOb9u0
6. Kutless--Everything I need http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdGwQpyreh0
7. Mandissa/TobyMac--Good Morning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnmWwudeqfM
8. Matthew West--Save a place for me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbsBUf9VKyc
9. MercyMe--The Hurt and the Healer(We played this between Pastor Trent and Pastor Mikes messages) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqBMNSuDf7g
10. Meredith Andrews--Not for a moment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD0cvWImVjA
11. Newsboys--Your love never fails http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LkZwwD1zpE
12. Plumb--Need you now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HtXIKvDLy8
13. Steven Curtis Chapman--Long way Home http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1p-QfgkLow
14. TobyMac--Me without You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpZR5MGmVkM
I hope this gives you a little glimpse into his going home celebration and more importantly I hope it brings you some closure and helps you rest in knowing this is not goodbye but rather See you Soon! If you do not know Christ as your savior you need too! Especially if you wanna see Jophie again one day!
I can see him running, jumping, playing, talking and spreading that beatiful smile all over heaven!
Even if the healing doesn't come
And life falls apart
And dreams are still undone
You are God You are good
Forever faithful One
Even if the healing doesn't come
Thank you father for the time we had with Jophie and for trusting us enough to care for him!
The Lord giveth and the Lord Taketh away....
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
All our love,
Trina and Jophie
And special thanks to Pastor Trent Carpenter and Pastor Michael Long for your unwaivering faith, constant support and most importantly for running TO US and not away from us....Your messages at Jophies service was amazing best described only as "From God to our ears.....
It's hard to express how a funeral can be so amazing but it was.....I'm out of town for a while with friends. Pulling into their drive I received a text from Connie Franze. I think she best described what it was like so I'm just going to quote her and maybe you can catch a small glimpse of what we experienced...
Connie: "Wonderful, beautiful service! I think that was one of the best funeral services in celebration of a life that I have ever been too! Music was perfect. Comments and Sermons went hand in hand and I don't think they planned it that way. Only GOD! I was glad and honored to be there! Love you! Rest!"
One thing that stands out is something Pastor Mike said in the hospital room. Jophie has never walked or spoken and we were just discussing what his first words would be. Personally, I'm a bit concerned about this. We all are! I just know the little toad is blabbing all our secrets! After our little moment of laughter it got quiet and Mike said something that will stick with me forever.
"When Jophie spoke his first words......He spoke them to Christ!"
Wrap your brain around that.....
Who gets to do that??
He was a very special little boy. He touched so many lives and as Pastor Trent and Pastor Mike both said. "He may not have any awards, trophies, or acheivements hanging on the walls but, without taking one step or saying one word he managed to minister to a number to numerous to count."
My amazing son!.......If you didn't know him personally, Oh how you missed out!
And last but certainly not least....A huge thank you to my parents Gleah Malone Jim Malone and Rina Jenkins...Thank you for all your support, all you have done and continue to do and your help before at home....Thank you!
And to thee Volunteer Fire Department who over the years has done so much for Jophie from building his handicapped swing to all our little "help" adventures...Bees, generator woes, trees falling on our house and you last act of kindness....Carrying my baby boy to his resting place. Thank you all!
I could never name everyone so please don't be offended if I forget to mention you personally. Just know you all are in my heart and will never be forgotten for what you have done for us.
I'm including a link to the video slideshow that scrolled on a big screen during the 2 hour visitation as well as all the songs we chose to have played during that time as well. There was no funeral music nor organs but rather what Jophie and we all loved! A celebration of his LIFE! Hand picked music just for Jophie that looped during the visitation so everyone could enjoy them with us.
No drab colors, a beautiful baby blue resting place with baby blue lining and the cutest embroidered sea turtle with bubbles straight from the ocean! Beach themed cards of course , HUGE Bouquet of blue and white balloons, Mylar Scooby Doo balloon, and a Turtle pillow made especially for him from Megan, Anna, Laynie, and Lexie.....An aweseome blinkie pillow from his aunt Rina that he would have LOVED...A sweet Teddy bear from Jamie and Trena Combs(A former foster baby) and 2 special little notes from my nephews Wade and Luke Jenkins that were attached and sent straight to Jophie during the balloon release)
1. Audio Adnrenaline--Kings and Queens http://www.youtube.com/
2. Big Daddy Weave--Redeemed http://www.youtube.com/
3. Building 429--Right beside you http://www.youtube.com/
4. Casting Crowns--Already There http://www.youtube.com/
5. Kutless--Even If http://www.youtube.com/
6. Kutless--Everything I need http://www.youtube.com/
7. Mandissa/TobyMac--Good Morning http://www.youtube.com/
8. Matthew West--Save a place for me http://www.youtube.com/
9. MercyMe--The Hurt and the Healer(We played this between Pastor Trent and Pastor Mikes messages) http://www.youtube.com/
10. Meredith Andrews--Not for a moment http://www.youtube.com/
11. Newsboys--Your love never fails http://www.youtube.com/
12. Plumb--Need you now http://www.youtube.com/
13. Steven Curtis Chapman--Long way Home http://www.youtube.com/
14. TobyMac--Me without You http://www.youtube.com/
I hope this gives you a little glimpse into his going home celebration and more importantly I hope it brings you some closure and helps you rest in knowing this is not goodbye but rather See you Soon! If you do not know Christ as your savior you need too! Especially if you wanna see Jophie again one day!
I can see him running, jumping, playing, talking and spreading that beatiful smile all over heaven!
Even if the healing doesn't come
And life falls apart
And dreams are still undone
You are God You are good
Forever faithful One
Even if the healing doesn't come
Thank you father for the time we had with Jophie and for trusting us enough to care for him!
The Lord giveth and the Lord Taketh away....
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
All our love,
Trina and Jophie